Our Business

The Stonegate Group was created in 2020 following the acquisition of Ei Group PLC by Stonegate Pub Company.

Stonegate Group are the largest pub company in the UK, owning over 4000 properties, with over 1,000 managed pubs operated directly by the Stonegate Group and the remainder run as leased and tenanted pubs by tenants who run their own businesses from the properties. Our managed division has sites across the UK and operates a wide variety of formats; from high-street pubs and traditional country inns to local community pubs, student pubs and late-night bars and venues.

We aim to partner with those who are passionate about pubs by granting leases and tenancies to the best publicans and recruiting high quality, entrepreneurial managers for our managed pubs as well as collaborating with experienced experts in the pub industry. We employ over 14,000 employees directly who are subject to pre-employment checks to confirm their identity and right to work in the UK, prior to them starting work at Stonegate.

Our Supply Chain

Stonegate Group purchases goods and services required to carry out its day to day business and this activity is managed by a dedicated procurement team. The procurement team operates in accordance with agreed policies. The policies include the requirement to source supplies from approved suppliers and for business to be conducted honestly, ethically and with respect for the rights and interests of the people with whom we do business. We expect honesty, openness and courtesy for all suppliers and their employees. We conduct business in accordance with our responsible sourcing principles and our code of practice sets out our expectations of suppliers on issues such as pay, working hours, child labour, workers’ rights and representation. In sourcing products from different countries, we aim to uphold internationally agreed standards of labour and we expect suppliers to treat employees fairly, honestly and with respect for their human rights. These principles include standards on pay, working hours, working conditions, health & safety, child labour, forced labour, employee representation, equality of treatment, sustainability and animal welfare.

Following the creation of the Stonegate Group in 2020 a process of joining forces and consolidation has taken place within the respective purchasing teams. The best of both legacy Stonegate Pub Company and Ei Group PLC was adopted, including relevant policies. All new contracts that the Stonegate Group enters into post acquisition place clear obligations on the supplier to comply with its obligations under the Modern Slavery Act and obliges the supplier to have and maintain their own policies and procedures to ensure compliance with the Modern Slavery Act, their own policies, and enforce such policies and procedures where appropriate.

We continue to strengthen our approach to managing the risk of modern-day slavery within our business and supply chain. Over the course of the next financial year we will gain oversight of our own suppliers’ policies in relation to combating modern slavery and will continue to enhance our procedures to help us identify, prevent and mitigate any risks of modern slavery or human trafficking in relation to new and existing suppliers.

We consider the risk of modern slavery or human trafficking taking place in our supply chain to be low. Notwithstanding that we do recognise the importance of combating slavery and human trafficking and the duty to tackle these issues. We have a whistleblowing policy under which all staff can report any concerns.

Our Policies:

As an organisation we have policies, standards and procedures in place, which fully support our efforts in ensuring no slavery or human trafficking takes place within our head office, pubs and bars. These include:

  • Equality, Diversity & Harassment Policy
  • Whistleblowing Policy
  • Young Workers Policy (Child Labour)
  • Right to Work Procedures
  • Flexible Working Policy
  • Health & Safety Policy


This statement is made pursuant to Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”) and sets out the steps that Stonegate Group has taken and will be taking to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of our business, or that of our supply chain for financial year ending September 2021 and by extension is the statement applicable to all subsidiaries in the Stonegate Group* who are required to make a statement, which includes Stonegate Pub Company Limited, Unique Pub Properties Limited and Craft Union Pub Company Limited. This statement has been approved by the board of directors of Stonegate Group.

Suzanne Baker
Commercial Director
Stonegate Group

February 2022

*Stonegate Group is Stonegate Pub Company Limited (FC029833) and its subsidiaries, including The Craft Union Pub Company (09429990), Ei Group Limited (02562808), Ei Publican Services Limited (06522972) (FCA 81623), Enterprise Managed Investments Limited (08805929), and Unique Pub Properties Limited (03726292). All Stonegate Group entities are registered in England & Wales at 3 Monkspath Hall Road, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 4SJ. A full list of subsidiaries is available on request.